NOxProtekt are experts in emissions control from medium combustion plant. We design, install and support bespoke selective catalytic reduction systems to reduce pollution from diesel, gas and bi-fuel engines.
We ensure your plant is compliant with legislation by reducing NOx emissions by as much as 98% and cutting significantly emissions and noise. Because we understand the engineering issues of this specialist field better than anyone else you can be sure that implementation will be as pain-free as possible and plant performance will not be impaired.
SCR Solutions
The SCR process benefits are:
Catalyst longevity
Our catalyst technology have are robust and long life to provide a high NOx removal rate over many hours of operation.
Our SCR systems are very reliable and require minimal maintenance.
NOxProtekt offer additional maintenance packages to ensure optimum performance from the SCR and prolong the life of the unit.
NOx is reduced
Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) is the most effective method used in diesel engine exhausts to reduce NOx.
Blends aqueous urea standardized as AdBlue are injected into the gas flow, these react with NOx gases over a catalyst and the NOx is reduced to harmless nitrogen and water vapour.
NOxProtekt SCR system can provide up to 95% NOx removal using our highest performance catalysts. A 85-90% reduction is achieved for typical applications
Minimal engine modification
In most cases zero modification to engines is required with a NOxProtekt SCR System, therefore downtime and disruption during installation is kept to a minimum.
In some cases engines can be modified by the customer to move to a fuel optimised setup in combination with our SCR to produce the most fuel efficient combined with emission optimised power generation
Cleaner engines without compromising performance, wherever you need it.
Distribution Centres
STOR Generator Sites
Data Centres
Industrial Facilities & Utilitise
Get Started
For a free quote regarding the custom systems we build or any extra information on the services we offer, please feel free to contact us.
01223 872933
Newton Hall, Town St, Newton, Cambridge CB22 7ZE